Etna by the Numbers

Get to know us!

  • Etna has a population of 3,405 residents occupying .7 square miles.

  • We are getting younger! The median age of 36.4 is declining and we are younger than our neighbors.

    median age
  • The largest age group in Etna is 20-29 years old.

  • We are a family-centric town! 72% of Etna households are families, with an average family size of 3.3 people.

  • The median income in Etna is $44,615.

  • Etna residents spend over $131.3 million on retail goods annually.

    According to a recent market study, there is an unmet demand of over $69 million -- and that's just within our 1-mile trade radius!  Read the study here.
    retail potential
  • Our 1-mile trade area includes nearby Lawrenceville, Sharpsburg, Shaler, and O'Hara.

    trade area map